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Photo Etching – Coming to the Country’s Defence


In the case of defence, absolutely nothing other than the highest quality is acceptable, so it is only natural that  photo etched  components are used.

At Qualitetch, we serve a wide range of sectors and there is arguably none more important than the defence industry. We are proud to manufacture components that serve to protect our freedom and safety, ensuring that our defence can call upon the best materials possible.

With no room for error, Qualitetch produces components to the highest quality ensuring 100% customer satisfaction.

Built to Last

When producing materials for defence, they must be built to last. Anything less than the best simply will not do and will be turned away.

As Qualitetch currently holds  AS9100D, ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 accreditations, as well as Rolls-Royce approval for  photo etching; quality is assured. All materials produced for the defence sector are put through rigorous testing – everything from small nuts and bolts, castors and washers to large vehicles and equipment – to ensure they are durable and up to the task.

Part of the etching process sees our own engineers carry out their own checks to ensure that any component that is passed on to the customer meets our own exceptionally high standards.

Over 25 Years of Experience

When it comes to manufacturing fine components for vital products, you can only rely on the experts to produce the same consistently high standards. Qualitetch has over 25 years of excellence and continues to grow from strength to strength.

The reason that we have been able to maintain our growth while other British manufacturing sites have fallen in recent years is due to our flexibility to meet our customers’ needs. We are proud to be the  experts in  photo etching; offering quick lead times without skimping on quality.

The Same Quality Across the Board

The same standard of components that we produce for the defence industry is the same as we supply to all customers. This means that sectors such as the automotive, furniture, electrical and telecoms industries all benefit from the same high quality of materials.

To benefit from the highest quality materials on the market, please call us on 01354 658787 and a member of our team will be more than happy to offer expert advice.